Preventing Work Zone Injuries on the Road

The National Safety Council reports that over 37,000 injuries occurred from work zone crashes in 2022. In recognition of National Work Zone Awareness Week, we explore how roadway safety programs protect workers and motorists.

Keys to Stay Safe

Whether through a work zone or roadway, safe driving is key. Make sure to fasten your seatbelt, follow the speed limit, and create space between vehicles to prevent tailgating. Use your four-way flashers to slow down or stop, avoid distractions, and stay alert for unpredictable weather or reckless drivers.


Traffic Control Zones Protect Job Sites

When driving through a work zone, follow all signage and merge early. Be prepared to turn on your headlights in a work zone and provide employees with enough space to work. Most vehicles have blind spots—stay alert to avoid accidents.

Employees should also wear high-visibility vests, face traffic, and appoint a spotter to watch for oncoming vehicles. Drink water and take frequent breaks, especially when working on asphalt. Report unsafe conditions, questions, or concerns to a nearby supervisor.

Hazard Controls

Improperly set-up traffic zones can cause motorists to swerve into workers or vehicles. To prevent accidents, prepare a job safety analysis (JSA) form that includes hazard identification, mitigation controls, emergency response plans, and additional items or procedures. Read the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) for appropriate signage and cones.

Four Parts to Traffic Control Zones

Advanced warning area alerts drivers to upcoming work zones, speed limits changes, and hazards. Use high-visibility traffic signs to warn drivers, and space them out based on traffic flow.

Transition area is when vehicles merge into a separate lane to make room for workers and equipment. High-visibility traffic cones should cut-off lanes for worksites and flaggers can guide vehicles on smaller roads with two-way traffic.

Activity area is the work zone. Traffic cones are used to create a buffer zone between the work site and traffic. Workers should have enough space to store items and take breaks safely.


Termination area alerts vehicles to the end of the work zone. Traffic cones and signs are used to merge vehicles back to normal traffic patterns.


Want to learn more? View our latest safety blogs here!

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