Toolbox Talk: Even When Not In Use, Cell Phones Are Distracting

Smartphones have revolutionized our lives for the better in many ways, but have also led to some unsafe behaviors like texting and driving. Even when not in use, our cell phones have become a bit of a distraction.

A study published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research suggests that the mere presence of your phone can lead to diminished cognitive capacity. Study participants were given tests targeted towards measuring attention and problem-solving abilities while their cell phones were in one of three places: on their desk, in their pocket, and in another room.

The participants’ cell phones didn’t receive any notifications during the testing process, and it was noted that those who had their phone in sight during testing performed worse than those with their cell phones in their pockets. Furthermore, participants who kept their phone in another room completely, scored better than the other two groups. These results suggest that our attention is more divided the closer we are to our phones.

Know the Risks

We know that using a cell phone during a task is dangerous, but many people don’t realize having their cell phone out and within reach presents a distraction, even when not using it. Having your cell phone with you affects your ability to focus and problem solve.

Keys to Keep You Safe

During work, consider leaving your cell phone in another area to mitigate the distraction it can create.

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