Toolbox Talk: Being Present in the Moment

Throughout the day, there are countless sources of distractions in any workplace. These distractions may include phones ringing, coworkers talking, noise from machinery, or even uncomfortable temperatures.

Surprisingly, workers are more easily distracted when they’re comfortable with a task at hand. If you’ve ever had the feeling that “I could do this with my eyes shut” feeling, you’ve probably experienced this before. The more comfortable you are with a task, the easier it is to let your mind wander and lose focus.

Being present in the moment is key to keeping your mind on task. We must recognize when we lose focus, despite any workplace distractions.

Everyone zones out from time to time…

  • Have you ever zoned out during a task like driving or spotting a backing vehicle?
  • Have you ever wandered into an area where you shouldn’t be?

These are examples of how a normal situation can become hazardous because you got distracted.

Know the Risks

Statistics reveal that distracted employees have 49% more accidents and 60% more errors and defects with their work. 

Keys to Keep You Safe 

Monitor employee behavior. Employers can’t eliminate distractions, so they must focus on behavioral changes in their employees. Creating strong relationships between managers, supervisors, and the front-line employees they oversee is one of the best ways to identify these warning signs to reduce the risk of injury. 

Support employee micro-breaks. A recent study shows that micro-breaks of just a few minutes can increase job satisfaction. Micro-breaks also increase productivity and lower the risk of injuries due to distractions. 

 Keep your cell phone in your locker or desk. Research has shown that the closer your cell phone is to you, the more of a distraction it can be. 


Want to learn more? View our latest safety blogs here!

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