Our team is designing multi-phase traffic calming measures in downtown Carlisle. Completed in December 2023, Phase I improvements involved the Kerrs Avenue, East Penn Street, and North Bedford Street intersection. Phase II involves Bedford and East streets, where work focuses on bicycle safety and reducing vehicle speeds.
Dawood’s Phase I traffic upgrades enhanced pedestrian safety and mobility with new signage and curb ramps and improved the roadway by repaving and realigning the area. Curb extensions at each corner of the five-leg intersection shorten crosswalk lengths to reduce crossing distance and vehicle speeds by narrowing the travel way.
We delivered conceptual designs for potential phase II additions including a possible roundabout, protected bike lanes, bike boxes, and on-street parking modifications. One consideration includes a series of three staggered curb extensions, or chicanes, which force motorists to reduce speed.
Read the Carlisle Sentinel Article.