I-95, Section GIR, Reconstruction

Dawood was retained to prepare the structural design for multiple structures along the Interstate 95, Section GIR reconstruction project. Those structures include the following:

  • I-95 over Sergeant Street & Huntingdon Street – an 11-span (3 continuous units 4-3-4) prestressed concrete AASHTO I-beam bridge replacement, which was completed using staged construction with a concrete pier bent substructure founded on piles (center section of a 26 span viaduct)
  • I-95 over Shackamaxon Street – a single-span prestressed concrete spread box beam bridge with full height abutments founded on spread footings on soil (BRADD-3 design modified for staging)
  • Final Design for I-95 over Columbia Avenue – a single-span prestressed concrete spread box beam bridge (BRADD-3 design modified for staging)
    Seven retaining walls – approximately 3600’ of wall length along I-95; and Signing and Sign Lighting along I-95 – including two full-span gantries, two cantilever gantries, two type A structures, two type B structures, and two special designs.


Philadelphia, PA


In Progress


Structure Design, Supplemental Survey, Geotechnical Engineering, Utility Coordination