Journey Management: Less Stress For Our Mobile Workforce

While it may seem routine, traveling carries risks, especially for those who spend considerable time on the roads. Journey Management is a concept designed to protect workers who travel as a part of their job, requiring drivers to create a detailed plan helping them stay safe while traveling—a proactive  solution for our mobile workforce supporting mental health.

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), vehicular accidents rank as the primary cause of work-related fatalities. Given this alarming statistic, ensuring the safety and well-being of  employees on-the-go is imperative.

Plan Details

The cornerstone of journey management lies in preemptive planning. Employees should start by identifying potential road hazards they might encounter, ranging from road conditions, inclement weather, reduced visibility, and wildlife to fatigue and other distracted drivers.

Mapping out the journey in advance is crucial. Note any rest stops, meal breaks, and refueling points. Also be aware of any vehicle restrictions, such as overpasses with low clearance, bridges with weight limitations, and active construction zones. Drivers can reroute their journey to enhance efficiency and safety.

Peace of Mind

The purpose of a detailed journey management plan goes beyond mere compliance. It equips drivers with the knowledge and preparation necessary to drive safely. This approach not only fuels a safer work environment but reduces delays and overall anxiety on the road.

Want to learn more? View our latest safety blogs here!

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